Since the development of the modern world and globalization, there has been a positive growth in the world economy, but it has also led to serious negative effects on the environment. With the accelerating growth of the world population and economic development, the consumption of natural resources and food products has increased significantly at a very fast rate. This, in turn, is causing environmental consequences, and it is getting harder to meet the requirements of the population.
How and what we consume also determine our impact on the environment. In the modern economic model, businesses have established a notion of over-purchasing that is changing the consumption pattern of people. Materialism is composed of happiness, success and centrality, and while relating it with lifestyle we can debate on how it can be eco-friendly. This is leading to a cycle of over-buying and mass production; the concept initially looked great but now it is slowly having an ill-effect on the ecological balance of our planet.
Studies from The New Republic claim that consumer culture is responsible for the climate crisis. Their report concluded that the consumption habits of 700 million people in the 94 biggest cities were responsible for 10% of global greenhouse gases. It is estimated that if this consumption pattern continues, it will "nearly double between 2017 and 2050, from 4.5 gigatons to 8.4 gigatons per year". It means we will fail to limit global warming to stay below the 1.5 degree Celsius of warming, which is necessary for a livable planet.There is a systematic change happening, and trends are shifting towards a lifestyle that is more sustainable and consumes fewer resources and energy.Green buying must be seen in broader settings surrounding the development of sustainable ways of living.
It is essential to see how people are consuming and how they are living their lifestyles as it is crucial to understand whether they are environmentally friendly or whether they are posing dangers to the environment. According to the Global Organic Food Market Analysis, the organic food market, whose current revenue is $168.5 billion (2021), is predicted to garner $483.0 billion by 2030.The increase in demand for organic goods worldwide is expected to increase three times in the next 9 years. This will eventually lead to more businesses changing their thought processes. More ideas about slow fashion, ethical fashion, veganism, minimalism, and so on will be incorporated into daily life.
Today, there is a need to educate society to strive for a sustainable lifestyle where small changes in behavior and consumption patterns can give the next generation hope. We at Afterlife Projects are determined to take small steps towards making these global goals a reality.
By Subeksha